XoR: It's all a Matter of Faith and Ballance.....If you do not have Faith, All the Balance in the world will get you NoWhere, WORD.
OXOjamm Music And Video Central: http://www.youtube.com/user/oxojamm
OXOjamm Radd Design: http://www.zazzle.com/oxojamm
OXOjamm LiveJournal: http://oxojamm.livejournal.com/
Jersey Jamm Masters and Musicians Hall of Fame: http://www.jerseyjamm.webs.com/
Politics: http://citizenwells.wordpress.com/
Join the Fight: http://www.jbs.org/
Security: http://www.ehow.com/how_4546818_protect-home-intruders.html
Health: http://www.runtheplanet.com/trainingracing/nutrition/bloodtype.asp
Sharpen your Skillz: http://www.gunshootinggames.net/game/4/Americas-Army.html
Sharpen More: http://www.flashrolls.com/shooting-games/Ak47-Target-Practice-Flash-Game.htm
or Out the Door: http://www.gameadicted.com/play/the-sniper
2-3-4: http://www.2dplay.com/the-sniper-2/the-sniper-2-play.htm
Yeah, Here's Some More: Join the "Army" and Fight the "War",
ON LINE, you bet: http://www.americasarmy.com/downloads/
Least we forget
Just Follow the Instructions, 2, 3,
Dont Need Introductions, you'll see
and thank God you dug
these nuggets for FREE.
Or Be a Guitar Hero without spending a Dime,
like Me: http://fretsonfire.sourceforge.net/
Get it here, Brother: http://www.zazzle.com/forgiones_5_double_duty_sweat_shirt-235582632551483375
Saddam Hussein
(Circle I Limbo) looking Endlessly for a Decent Chocolate Covered Scorpion and Can only find Jack Shit on a Styx
(Circle II) Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind with your Testicles staked to the ground with Music by Green Day playing endlessly over loudspeakers
Osama bin Laden
(Circle III) Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow Plus forced to watch Seseme Street continually
(Circle IV) Rolling Weights Crush your balls over and over again. If you are Female the stench of decomposing Testicle Mulch is punishment enough.
(Circle V) Stuck in Sewage from San Quintin, Mangled and forced to drink weak cool aid.
(Up River Styx without a Paddle) Also Known as Shit Creek, it has recently been renamed as the river of lost condoms
(Circle VI) Buried for Eternity upside down in Donkey Shit with Demons slapping your Ass with the Paddle you should have had at the River Styx.
(River Phlegyas) This is the River of Phlegm and Greenie Lungers.
(Circle VII) Burning Sands at Jones Beach Brooklyn. Everyone Knows you and everyone hates you and you are are stuck with Michelle (_Who_also_Hates_you_).
Hillery Clinton
(Circle IIX) Immersed in Bloody Dysentery and stuck with Janet Reno
Bill Clinton
Circle IX Frozen in Sewage Ice and forced to listen to his own Lies for eternity
We Got Yo' Smoney......!
We Spendin Yo' Smoney......!
We Print-in Mo' Smoney.........!
Yes, and you Dumb-Asses let them get away Scot Free.
Now Go hang out at with your fellow Chumps at WWW.UrASSgotPlayedByObamaCrew.Org
Copyright OXOjamm Studios, 1997-2009 or later, all rights reserved . Request terms or permissions by emailing from above websites. No Bookings available until January 2011. Security Clearance Required for Daytona Gigs. Jamm Method Only. No Covers, Not even our own.
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